Thursday, December 21, 2017

2017 Holiday Hours

Happy Holidays from your friends at McFadden's!

Our 2017 Holiday hours

Saturday December 23rd - Open* 8am-3pm
Monday December 25th - Closed
Tuesday December 26th - Closed
December 27th-29th OPEN regular hours

Saturday December 30th - Open* 8am-3pm
Monday January 1st - Closed

*Oakville and Vaughan Branches only

Wishing all our customers, suppliers and friends a very safe and happy holiday season!

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Quebec City

5 décembre, 2017
Pour diffusion immédiate,

Panneaux et Quincaillerie McFaddens Inc. est très heureux d’annoncer l’ouverture d’une nouvelle succursale à Québec à compter de février 2018.

L’adresse du nouvel emplacement sera:
2600 rue Jean-Perrin
Bureau 145
Québec (Québec)
G2C 2C6

Cet emplacement portera la gamme complète des produits distribués par McFaddens et nous sommes impatients d’accueillir de nouveaux et fidèles clients à ce nouveau centre de distribution!

Veuillez contacter monsieur. Martin Gariépy ( pour toute information supplémentaire.

December 5, 2017
For Immediate Release

McFadden’s Hardwood & Hardware Inc. is very pleased to announce the opening of a new location in Québec City, QC effective February, 2018

The address of the new location will be
2600 Jean-Perrin Street
Suite 145
Québec (Québec)
G2C 2C6

This location will carry the full compliment of the McFadden’s product range and we are looking forward to welcoming customers new and old into our new location.
Please contact Mr. Martin Gariepy ( for any further information. 

Friday, August 25, 2017

Staff Spotlight: August 2017: Martin Gariepy

Staff Spotlight: Martin Gariepy

Martin has worked for McFadden's for 17 years.  In his own words: McFaddens is a great place to work for entrepreneur  that want to develop a successful career.

What are your favorite songs that you rock out to when nobody else is listening? Quelles sont vos chansons préférés quand personne d’autre n’écoute?
I Bleed It Out, Linkin Park

What was your first concert and first record, tape or CD that you ever owned? Quel était votre premier concert et votre premier disque/CD/cassette?
Bryan Adam at 14 years old!

What was your first job? Quel était votre premier emploi?
Landscaping et 14 year old again!

What’s the worst haircut you ever had? Quelle est la pire coupe de cheveux que vous avez jamais eu?
Anthony Mitchael Hall in Weird Science!

What’s the craziest thing on your bucket list? Quelle est la chose la plus folle de votre liste de choses à faire avant de mourir?
Trip to Mica Heli skiing

What’s a weird fact you happen to know? Quel est un fait étrange que vous connaissez?
I can stop hiccups to my wife

What show on Netflix did you last binge? Quelle émission Netflix avez vous regardé en dernier?
The Walking Dead

What’s something about you that people would be surprised to know? Qu'est-ce que vous pensez que les gens seraient surpris de savoir à propos de vous?
Coca-Cola collector

What food could you not live without? Quelle nourriture ne pourriez vous pas vivre sans?
A good Burger!

What interesting skill do you want to learn? Quelle compétence intéressante voulez-vous apprendre?
Drum player

What do you never leave the house without ? San quoi ne quittez-vous  jamais la maison?

If you had a boat, what would you name it? Si vous aviez un bateau, comment est-ce vous l’appelleriez?
Memory Maker

If you could only eat at one restaurant forever, what restaurant would it be? Si vous pouviez seulement manger dans un restaurant pour toujours, quel restaurant serait-ce?
Primi Piatti

If you wrote a book, what would it be called?
Staying Positive in Life

If you could be one superhero, which superhero would you be? Si vous pouviez être un super-héros (une super-héroïne), quel super-héros (quelle super-héroïne) serait-ce?
Iron Man

If you could turn the ocean into a liquid other than water, which one would you pick? Si vous pouviez transformer l'océan en un liquide autre que l'eau, quel liquide choisiriez-vous?
Fresh water that everyone can drink

If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, which song would you pick? Si vous pouviez seulement écouter une chanson pour le reste de votre vie, quelle chanson choisiriez-vous?
Fragile by Sting

What’s the greatest bit of advice a mentor has given you? Quel est le meilleur conseil qu'un mentor vous a donné?
Don't ever Presume!

What technology innovation made the most impact on your life? Quelle innovation technologique a eu le plus d'impact sur votre vie?

What is one important skill every person should have? Quelle est une compétence importante que chaque personne devrait avoir?

How would your friends describe you? Comment vos ami(e)s vous décriraient-ils(elles)?
Generous, Always on the go, Always ready to help

Name two things you consider yourself to be very good at. Nommez deux choses auxquelles vous vous considérez comme très bon(ne).
Skiing, Construction.

What is one word that you would use to describe your team? Quel est le mot que vous utiliseriez pour décrire votre équipe?

What is the most important personal attribute that you bring to your job? Quel est l'attribut personnel le plus important que vous apportez à votre travail?
Passing knowledge to others to help the team.

Describe yourself in 3 words. Décrivez-vous en 3 mots.
Caring, Generous, Energetic.

What do you enjoy doing to relieve stress? Qu’aimez-vous faire pour soulager le stress?
Training, Construction, Hiking.

What is a recent book that you have enjoyed? Quel est un livre que vous avez apprécié récemment?

Favourite Wurth Product. Produit préfére de Wurth.
Pitch and resin remover.  Do an awesome job on BBQ!!

Favourite McFadden’s Product. Produit préféré de McFaddens.
Columbia forest product veneers

The best thing about the McFadden’s Team. La meilleure chose à propos de l'équipe de McFaddens.

How long have you been with McFadden’s? Depuis combine de temps travaillez vous pour McFaddens?
17 Years

Friday, August 4, 2017

Staff Spotlight: August 2017 Samuel Chan

Staff Spotlight Questions

What was your first job?
Dough master at Pizza Hut

What’s the worst haircut you ever had?
Shaved head

What’s the craziest thing on your bucket list?
Backpacking in Thailand

What’s something about you that people would be surprised to know?
When people find out that I have tattoos

What food could you not live without?

What interesting skill do you want to learn?

What do you never leave the house without ?

If you had a boat, what would you name it?
A & A

If you could only eat at one restaurant forever, what restaurant would it be?

If you could be one superhero, which superhero would you be?

If you could turn the ocean into a liquid other than water, which one would you pick?

If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, which song would you pick?
Canon In D

What’s the greatest bit of advice a mentor has given you?
Don’t stop when you are tired, stop when you are done!

What is one important skill every person should have?
Positive thinking

How would your friends describe you?

What is one word that you would use to describe your team?

What is the most important personal attribute that you bring to your job?
Work Ethic

Describe yourself in 3 words.
Detail oriented

What do you enjoy doing to relieve stress?
Muay Thai

Favourite Wurth Product
Wood Glide

Favourite McFadden’s Product

The best thing about the McFadden’s Team
Improved efficiency and productivity

Friday, July 7, 2017

Staff Spotlight July 2017: Jean Pierre Venne


Quelles sont vos chansons préférés quand personne d’autre n’écoute? 
Vieille chanson française

Quel était votre premier concert et votre premier disque/CD/cassette?


Quel était votre premier emploi? 

Quelle est la pire coupe de cheveux que vous avezjamais eu? 
Cheveux long comme René Simard a 10 ans

Quelle est la chose la plus folle de votre liste de choses à faire avant de mourir?
Tour du monde en croisière 120 jours

Quel est un fait étrange que vous connaissez?
Lucie Pichette

Quelle émission Netflix avez vous regardé en dernier? 
3% et Pablo Escobar

Qu'est-ce que vous pensez que les gens seraient surpris de savoir à propos de vous?
Tout le monde sait tout sur moi

Quelle nourriture ne pourriez vous pas vivre sans?
 Chocolat et pizza

Quelle compétence intéressante voulez-vous apprendre?

San quoi ne quittez-vous jamais la maison? 
Mes clefs et porte feuille

Si vous aviez un bateau, comment est-ce vous l’appelleriez? 

Si vous pouviez seulement manger dans un restaurant pour toujours, quel restaurant serait-ce?
Si vous pouviez être un superhéros (une super-héroïne), quel super-héros (quelle super-héroïne) serait-ce?
J’en suis déjà un super héros ?

Si vous pouviez transformer l'océan en un liquide autre que l'eau, quel liquide choisiriez-vous? 

Si vous pouviez seulement écouter une chanson pour le reste de votre vie, quelle chanson choisiriezvous?
What a wonderful words de Louis Armstrong

Quel est le meilleur conseil qu'un mentor vous a donné? 
Dire toujours Merci

Quelle innovation technologique a eu le plus d'impact sur votre vie? 

Quelle est une compétence importante que chaque personne devrait avoir? 

Comment vos ami(e)s vous décriraient-ils(elles)?

Nommez deux choses auxquelles vous vous considérez comme très bon(ne).
Curling et Papa

Quel est le mot que vous utiliseriez pour décrire votre équipe? 
Résistante et tenace

Décrivez-vous en 3 mots.  
Impatient, tenace, farceure

Qu’aimez-vous faire pour soulager le stress? 
Jouer au Golf

Quel est un livre que vous avez apprécié récemment? 

Produit préfére de Wurth. 
Super Spray all

Produit préféré de McFaddens. 

La meilleure chose à propos de l'équipe de McFaddens. 
Base solidement constitué de vieux

Depuis combine de temps travaillez vous pour McFaddens? 
19 ans 

Monday, June 26, 2017

2017 Canada Day Hours

Happy Canada day from your friends at McFadden's!

Our 2017 Canada day weekend hours:

Friday June 30th - OPEN 8am-3pm
Saturday July 1st - Closed
Monday July 3rd - Closed

Wishing all our customers, suppliers and friends a very safe and happy long weekend!

Friday, June 23, 2017

Staff Spotlight: June 2017: Mary Kate Harbinson!

Staff Spotlight: Mary Kate Harbinson

Mary Kate is the Inside Sales manager in our Oakville, ON branch. She is one of our longest standing employees, and having worked jobs in Purchasing, Reception, and Inside Sales before her current job as Inside Sales manager.

What are your favorite songs that you rock out to when nobody else is listening? 
Shook me all night out - ACDC
What was your first concert and first record, tape or CD that you ever owned?  
Harry Chapin – some old Beatles record

What was your first job? 
Waitress at Ponderosa

What’s the worst haircut you ever had?  
Dorothy Hamill – circa 1970’s

What’s the craziest thing on your bucket list? 
To live above a store in some funky old town – I know that’s really odd

What do you never leave the house without?
Charlie (Her Son, who also works at McFadden's)

If you wrote a book, what would it be called?  
Just let it go

If you could be one superhero, which superhero would you be?  
Incredible hulk – I think I have that in me

If you could turn the ocean into a liquid other than water, which one would you pick?  
That is the weirdest question.

If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, which song would you pick?  
Tainted Love

What’s the greatest bit of advice a mentor has given you?  
Don’t psych yourself out

What technology innovation made the most impact on your life?  
Love my phone

What is one important skill every person should have?  
Finding perspective

How would your friends describe you?  

Name two things you consider yourself to be very good at.  
Seeing both sides of any situation – keeping calm

What is one word that you would use to describe your team?  

What is the most important personal attribute that you bring to your job?  
My sense of humour

Describe yourself in 3 words.  
Funny – loyal - caring

What do you enjoy doing to relieve stress?  
Re-arranging furniture – bizarre I know

What is a recent book that you have enjoyed?  
Homecoming by Yaa Gyasi

Favourite Wurth Product  
Wurth Ergolight Pro -  A Re-chargeable flashlight with magnetic bottom

Favourite McFadden’s Product
It's a toss up between the Barn board and Teragren Bamboo

The best thing about the McFadden’s Team 
I legit love the people I work with

Friday, June 9, 2017

Staff Spotlight: June 2017: Dan MacDonald!

Staff Spotlight: Dan MacDonald

Dan McDonald is a sales representative in our Halifax, NS branch. 
He has been with McFadden's for 5 years now.

What was your first record that you ever owned?
April Wine, Nature of the Beast

What was your first job?
Painting Houses in grade 8

What’s the worst haircut you ever had? 
What I have now !! Bald!

What’s the craziest thing on your bucket list?
Sky Diving

What show on Netflix did you last binge?
Trailer Park Boys

What’s something about you that people would be surprised to know?
I had shoulder length hair in my teens

What food could you not live without?

What do you never leave the house without?
My clothes!

If you could only eat at one restaurant forever, what restaurant would it be?
Da Maurizzio

If you wrote a book, what would it be called?  
Hockey, is that a sport or politics?

If you could be one superhero, which superhero would you be?
The Hulk

If you could turn the ocean into a liquid other than water, which one would you pick?
As long as we still have water, I'd go for oil

If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, which song would you pick?
I'd go crazy listening to the same song!

What’s the greatest bit of advice a mentor has given you?
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket

What technology innovation made the most impact on your life?
Smart phones/apps/social media

What is one important skill every person should have?
Learn proper communication

How would your friends describe you?  
A go-getter and a bit intense 

Name two things you consider yourself to be very good at. 
My work and being a father

What is one word that you would use to describe your team?

What is the most important personal attribute that you bring to your job? 
Relationship building 

Describe yourself in 3 words.  
Honest, reliable and hardworking

What do you enjoy doing to relieve stress? 
Work out every day 

What is a recent book that you have enjoyed? 
They still make those things?

Favourite Wurth Product
Wurth LED Pocket light

Favourite McFadden’s Product
DS Pro 500 Slide

The best thing about the McFadden’s Team
Great core group of people

How long have you been with McFadden’s?
5 years now!

Friday, May 26, 2017

Staff Spotlight May 2017: Marc Leger!

Staff Spotlight: Marc Leger

Marc Leger is a sales representative in our Moncton, NB branch. 
He has been with McFadden's for 2 years now.

What are your favorite songs that you rock out to when nobody else is listening?
Spirit of the West (Home for a Rest)                           

What was your first record that you ever owned?
First Tape was McHammer

What was your first job?
A paper boy

What’s the worst haircut you ever had? 
With my Curly hair - different hair cut is not a option!

What’s the craziest thing on your bucket list?
Swimming with Sharks

What show on Netflix did you last binge?
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (with my 4 year old)

What food could you not live without?

What interesting skill do you want to learn?
How to swim

If you had a boat, what would you name it? 
Hope it floats 2

If you could only eat at one restaurant forever, what restaurant would it be?
Pump House Brewery

If you could be one superhero, which superhero would you be?

If you could turn the ocean into a liquid other than water, which one would you pick?

If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, which song would you pick?
Clumsy by Our Lady Peace

What’s the greatest bit of advice a mentor has given you?
Don't sweat the small stuff

What technology innovation made the most impact on your life?
The iPhone

What is one important skill every person should have?
Everyone should know how to drive

What is one word that you would use to describe your team?

What is the most important personal attribute that you bring to your job? 
I’m a geek for Cabinet Hardware

What do you enjoy doing to relieve stress? 
Play sports

Favourite Wurth Product
Wurth Gloves

Favourite McFadden’s Product
Wood max screws

The best thing about the McFadden’s Team
We help each other out

How long have you been with McFadden’s?
2 years

Friday, May 19, 2017

May Holiday Weekend Hours

 Happy Victoria day from McFadden's!

All McFadden's branches will be closed on Monday May 22nd for Victoria Day.

Have a safe and happy weekend!

Friday, May 12, 2017

Staff Spotlight! May 2017: Bruce Lucas!

Staff Spotlight: Bruce Lucas

Bruce Lucas is a warehouse supervisor in our Oakville, ON branch. He is one of our longest standing employees, having joined the McFadden's team 28 years ago in 1989.

What are your favorite songs that you rock out to when nobody else is listening?
Mr. Big Stuff - Jean Knight or All Night Long - Lionell Ritchie

What was your first record that you ever owned?
My first record was Charlie Pride

What was your first job?
Delivering the Mail

What’s the craziest thing on your bucket list?
I want to be an auction announcer

What’s a weird fact you happen to know?
Flamingos aren't really pink, they turn pink from the food they eat.

What’s something about you that people would be surprised to know?
My age ;)

What food could you not live without?
Peanut butter

What interesting skill do you want to learn?
How to fly a plane

What do you never leave the house without?
My lunch

If you had a boat, what would you name it?
The Blue Noser

If you could only eat at one restaurant forever, what restaurant would it be?
Red Lobster

If you wrote a book, what would it be called?
The Cold Hard Truth

If you could be one superhero, which superhero would you be?

If you could turn the ocean into a liquid other than water, which one would you pick?
Wine or Brandy

If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, which song would you pick?
This Wanting You by George Jones

What’s the greatest bit of advice a mentor has given you?
"Do it for your health, not the money"

What technology innovation made the most impact on your life?
The record player

What is one important skill every person should have?
Everyone should know how to cook!

How would your friends describe you? 

Name two things you consider yourself to be very good at.
Singing and meeting new people

What is the most important personal attribute that you bring to your job? 

Describe yourself in 3 words. 
Calm, funny, patient

Favourite Wurth Product
Assy Plus Screws and Wurth Silicone

The best thing about the McFadden’s Team
It's a really friendly crowd.

How long have you been with McFadden’s?
28 years! 

Friday, April 21, 2017

Staff Spotlight! April 2017: Paterson Farrell!


Staff Spotlight: Paterson Farrell

Paterson Farrell is a new outside sales representative in our Oakville, ON branch. He joined the McFadden's team in 2016, starting on the inside sales team before moving to an outside territory. 

What are your favorite songs that you rock out to when nobody else is listening?
September by Earth Wind and Fire

What was your first job?
A soccer referee 

What’s the worst haircut you ever had? 
Toss up between frosted tips or the classic bowl cut 

What’s the craziest thing on your bucket list?
Playing soccer on Old Trafford, in Manchester

What show on Netflix did you last binge?
Stranger things

What’s something about you that people would be surprised to know?
I can only wink with my right eye

What food could you not live without?

What interesting skill do you want to learn?

Learn how to play drums

If you had a boat, what would you name it?
Boogie Wonderland

If you could be one superhero, which superhero would you be?

What is one important skill every person should have? 
Know how to change a tire  

What do you enjoy doing to relieve stress?
Playing sports is a big outlet for me.

Favourite McFadden’s Product 
Our new barn board!

What is one word that you would use to describe your team at McFadden's?

The best thing about the McFadden’s Team
Everyone is really outgoing and helpful. We're like one giant family.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Staff Spotlight! March 2017: Kyle Stafford

Staff Spotlight: Kyle Stafford

Kyle Stafford is an outside sales representative in our Vaughan, ON branch. He joined the McFadden's team in 2012, starting on the inside sales team before moving to an outside territory. 

What was the first concert that you ever attended? 
Metallica at Copps Coliseum in Hamilton, ON.

What’s something about you that people would be surprised to know? 
I’m a huge PC gaming fan – I also custom built my own computer!

Last show you binged watched on Netflix?
Better Call Saul.

What's a interesting skill you want to learn? 
I'd love to be fluent in another language.

If you had a boat, what would you name it? 
The Margaret Claudene.

Name two things you consider yourself to be very good at. 
  1. Remembering names and faces
  2. Quoting character lines from shows
How long have you been with McFadden's?
Almost 5 years now – I started here right out of University!

Friday, February 17, 2017

Family Day Weekend 2017

Happy Family day from your friends at McFadden's!

Our branches in Oakville, Vaughan and Ottawa will be closed on Monday February 20th for Family day.

All other branches and our website are open regular hours.

Have a safe and happy weekend!